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[Putty] adb putty 바로 지원 !

로깅도 putty옵션에서 주면 편하게 볼수 있다.

Actually the Android Debug Bridge has a terminal connection feature (roughly speaking), which will be enabled after you connect to the adb server in "0006shell:" mode. You can actually use the putty to connect to this interface always, by setting the following things:

- Turn off line discipline in settings

- Use RAW mode to connect to localhost:5037

- Enter "0012transport-usb" (without quotes)

- Enter "0006shell:" (without quotes)

Now you've got a full fledged connection to your device. The main drawback is that it's tedious to repeat the above all the time, so I've made some modifications to the putty binary that adds a new type of connection, called "Adb"

To use the enhanced putty:

- Select Adb from the connection type list

- Enter "transport-usb" in the host (or any other connection string, check the adb socket interface documentation if you need something else than connecting via usb)

- Enter 5037 as port, if it's not already set there.

- Connect and enjoy (you might also save this connection, so next time you only have to double-click on the settings)

DL and source: http://github.com/sztupy/adbputty/downloads

최신 putty에서 adb연결을 지원해요 

탭들이  Raw, Adb, Telnet, Rlogi, SSH, Seri 이렇게 있어서 여기서 ADB 선택을 하고

HostName : transport-usb

port : 5037 하면

잘 연결이 되네요 ~ 

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