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[리눅스] cmake tutorial 파일 및 사용법 예제 (여러파일 컴파일) cmake 사용법, 가이드 !!

cmake tutorial 입니다. 

아래 출처참고하세요 ~

다운원하면 가서 마우스 우클릭~~ 

출처 : http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=imisehi&logNo=150076922823

cmake 사용법 예제

cmake는 이미 설치되어 있다고 가정한다.

디렉토리는 다음과 같은 상태 입니다. 


- Demo

- Hello

test, test/Demo, test/Hello 폴더에 각각 CMakeLists.txt파일을 아래 내용대로 생성한다.

 3개의 CMakeLists.txt파일을 생성한다.


# The name of our project is "HELLO". CMakeLists files in this project can

# refer to the root source directory of the project as ${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR} and

# to the root binary directory of the project as ${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)

project (HELLO)


# Recurse into the "Hello" and "Demo" subdirectories. This does not actually

# cause another cmake executable to run. The same process will walk through

# the project's entire directory structure.

add_subdirectory (Hello)

add_subdirectory (Demo)



# Create a library called "Hello" which includes the source file "hello.cxx".

# The extension is already found. Any number of sources could be listed here.

add_library (Hello hello.c)



# Make sure the compiler can find include files from our Hello library.

include_directories (${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR}/Hello)


# Make sure the linker can find the Hello library once it is built.

link_directories (${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}/Hello)


# Add executable called "helloDemo" that is built from the source files

# "demo.cxx" and "demo_b.cxx". The extensions are automatically found.

add_executable (helloDemo demo.c)


# Link the executable to the Hello library.

target_link_libraries (helloDemo Hello)


test/Demo, test/Hello폴더에 아래와 같은 소스코드를 작성한다.





int main()



      return 0;







#ifndef __HELLO_H__

#define __HELLO_H__


void hello();








void hello()





위와 같이 작성한 후 아래와 같이 cmake를 실행하여 Makefile을 만들고만들어진 Makefile을 사용하여 실행파일을 생성한다.


[myid@localhost test]$ cmake CMakeLists.txt

-- Configuring done

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: /home/myid /test

[myid@localhost test]$ make

[ 50%] Building C object Hello/CMakeFiles/Hello.dir/hello.c.o

Linking C static library libHello.a

[ 50%] Built target Hello

[100%] Building C object Demo/CMakeFiles/helloDemo.dir/demo.c.o

Linking C executable helloDemo

[100%] Built target helloDemo

[myid@localhost test]$ cd Demo/

[myid@localhost Demo]$ ./helloDemo
